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Spiritual Formation




Radiant College offers a dynamic student experience with a focus on both academic and spiritual growth. From an exciting Welcome Week to scenic Exploration Trips, rejuvenating Spring Retreats, impactful missions trips like the one to Thailand, and monthly Christian Young Adult Nights, students are immersed in a supportive and enriching community.


Welcome Week

Welcome Week is an exciting introduction to college life, where new students can participate in activities designed to help them meet peers, explore campus resources, and acclimate to their new environment. It's a time to build community, make lasting friendships, and set the tone for a successful college experience.


Exploration Trips

Our Scenic Exploration Trips for college students offer the chance to experience breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders, providing a refreshing escape from campus life. These trips encourage personal growth and team bonding through activities like hiking, camping, and sightseeing, allowing students to create lasting memories and foster a greater appreciation for the outdoors.


Spring Retreat

The Radiant College spring retreat provides students with the chance to deepen their faith through worship, prayer, and fellowship in a peaceful and supportive environment. It's an opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal, as well as building stronger connections with fellow students who share similar values and beliefs.


Mission Trips

Missions trips for Radiant College provide students with the opportunity to serve and engage with global communities, this year focusing on impactful work in Thailand. These trips aim to foster cultural understanding, spiritual growth, and hands-on experience in spreading compassion and support to those in need.


Young Adults Gathering

Our Christian Young Adults Night, held quarterly, is a vibrant gathering where young adults come together for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. It's a welcoming space to build community, share experiences, and deepen faith through engaging discussions and activities.



At Radiant College, spiritual formation is a core aspect of the educational experience, emphasizing the development of a personal and transformative relationship with God through prayer, worship, and community engagement. The college provides a nurturing environment where students are encouraged to explore their faith, deepen their understanding of biblical principles, and cultivate a lifestyle of discipleship and service.

Radiant College Chapels

Chapels at Radiant College provide dedicated times for spiritual reflection and communal worship. Whether it's the tranquil Monday Chapels or the dynamic Wednesday Night and Sunday Morning Services, each offers a distinct atmosphere for spiritual enrichment and fellowship.​​​


Changed Lives Gathering

Our Radiant Church Changed Lives meeting was a powerful testimony of God's transformative work in people's lives, illustrating His profound impact through personal stories and shared experiences. It was inspiring to witness the tangible evidence of God's grace and redemption among our community members.


Prayer Gathering

The prayer gathering was a deeply spiritual event where our community came together to seek God's presence and guidance. It was a time of heartfelt intercession and faith, believing in His transformative power in our lives and the world around us.

Reach Weekends

During Reach Weekends, we extend a helping hand into our community, demonstrating God's love through practical acts of service and compassion. It's a powerful opportunity to make a tangible impact and build meaningful connections with those we serve.​


Conventions / Conferences 

Throughout the semester, our conventions and conferences provide invaluable opportunities for spiritual growth, offering enriching sessions and fostering deep connections with God and one another. These gatherings inspire and equip attendees to deepen their faith and live out their spiritual journey with renewed passion and understanding.​



Discipleship is a transformative journey where students are equipped with biblical teachings and practical skills to grow as devoted followers of Christ. Through mentorship, community, and intentional study, we empower students to impact the world with God's love and truth.​



Going to Thailand for a missions trip was a life-changing experience where I not only served others but also grew deeper in my faith through encountering new cultures and challenges. It expanded my understanding of God's work in the world and strengthened my commitment to spreading His love wherever I go.​


Worship Nights

Worship nights are sacred gatherings where our community comes together to lift our voices and hearts in praise and adoration of God. They create a space for encountering His presence and experiencing spiritual renewal through music, prayer, and reflection.

At Radiant College, we recognize the importance of balancing work and academics, allowing students the flexibility to hold jobs that align with their schedules while prioritizing their educational and spiritual development. This supportive environment encourages students to gain real-world experience and financial independence without compromising their commitment to their studies or involvement in campus life. It's a holistic approach that values both personal growth and academic success.


Why move here?

  • Spring Training hub for Baseball

  • 6 Professional Sports Teams

  • Flagstaff Snow Bowl is only a 2.5 Hour Drive

  • 30 Minutes to Downtown Phoenix

  • Arizona has tons of great hiking spots

  • The most spectacular scenery

  • Lots of different Entertainment and things to do

  • Radiant Church is on Fire

Do not miss out on this real life experience from trained leaders who want to see you succeed. 

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