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Smiling Radiant College Students


Radiant College offers tuition at a highly discounted rate through Nelson University formally (SAGU). We want students to enjoy their time at Radiant College and making your schooling affordable is a top priority!

Smiling Radiant College Student



Annual Tuition:

($295/credit hour,

24 hours per year)



Site Fee:



 Support & Health Fee:



Annual Total:

($275/credit hour,

24 hours per year)


Our hope is that we can help you devise a plan to be able to come out of Radiant College Debt free. so that you can go directly into ministry being able to focus on what the Lord has for you.  If you would like to setup a consultation please contact us.

Federal Student Aid

Students may be eligible for receive federal and state financial aid. the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) determines the level of eligibility for student aid. Each student that attends Radiant College has a financial aid counselor through SAGU available to him or her who can answer questions and provide assistance.  Every student can apply for financial aid.

Federal Pell Grants

Federal Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor's, graduate, or professional degree. (In some cases, however, a student enrolled in a postbaccalaureate teacher certification program might receive a Federal Pell Grant.) 

Radiant Scholarships

We have scholarships available for Radiant College students that range from $500-$3,000 per academic year! Apply for this application by clicking on the scholarship application button below. Once the application is completed, email it to

AG Financial Scholarships

AGFinancial is pleased to award scholarships in the amount of $5,000 each to four (4) 2023-2024 graduating high school seniors. These awards are non-renewable, and will be submitted directly to the university or college.

School Grants Blog

And there’s good news here; there are many legitimate grants and scholarship opportunities available to help fund your post secondary education (and many more if you are willing to do some digging). The following article contains a list of 20 super-popular grants and scholarships you should definitely make use of and apply.

Do not miss out on this real life experience from trained leaders who want to see you succeed. 

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